MacKinnon of Corriechattan

I am keen to establish contact with either the descendants of or else any person with direct knowledge of the following persons:

  1. Charles Downie Mackinnon
  2. Lachlan Dodgin Wright MacKinnon
  3. Kenneth Garner McKinnon
  4. Blanche Katherine MacKinnon

All of whom were children to the late Charles MacKinnon, who died at Derribong, New South Wales, Australia, on 16 September 1929. 

I am also keen to establish contact with descendants of or any person with direct knowledge of:

  1. Lachlan James MacKinnon, who died on 19 October 1970
  2. Alistair Scobie MacKinnon, who died at Kooyong, Australia, on 18 November 1983.

The nature of enquiry is restricted to family history and is not in any way to their detriment.

I can be contacted at

