Scottish History Society’s Third Series, Volume XXI, Miscellany (fifth volume) pages 196-290 contain the article: “Letters to John MacKenzie of Delvine, Advocate, one of the Principal Clerks of Session, […]
Alexander Duncan, Provost of Dundee
The identity of the Alexander Duncan who was Provost of Dundee from 1681-85 has been the cause of some confusion which stems from a mis-identification with a namesake and […]
Maitland of Lauderdale
Volume 5, pp.302-303 of the Scots Peerage (Balfour Paul edition) deals with John Maitland, 1st Earl of Lauderdale, and states “he is said to have had issue seven sons […]
Wilson of Sands Memorial of 1832
Although the identity of the author of this Memorial is not known, the repetition of the term “our grandfather” confirms them to have been a grandchild of William Wilson, Writer […]
Kinnear of Kinnear and Kinloch
A degree of confusion exists in relation to the founder of this family, Charles Kinnear of Kinnear and Kinloch, and especially in relation to the identity of his wife and […]
Boyd of Drum and Woodmiln
I must admit to having known next to nothing about this family until I happened upon a number of their papers within a collection of documents I recently acquired which […]
MacKinnon of Corriechattan
MacKinnon of Corriechattan I am keen to establish contact with either the descendants of or else any person with direct knowledge of the following persons: Charles Downie Mackinnon Lachlan Dodgin […]
New – Red Book of Scotland Database
Continually keeping published editions up-to-date with on-going research and new findings is an impossible task. No sooner has a latest edition been released than a further trip to an archive yields […]
The Red Book of Clan Donnachaidh
The Red Book of Clan Donnachaidh The oldest written history of the chiefs of the Clan Donnachaidh was the ‘Red Book’ which, in the mid 1600s, was destroyed in […]
A Brief Word on Infant Mortality and Onomastics
For those of us fortunate enough to have been born in this technological and scientific age the sheer extent of infant mortality in years gone by is immensely difficult if […]