Inventory of McCorranstoune Writs

Below is a transcript of NRS GD86/1002/46 which is the Inventory of the progress of writs relating to the lands of McCorranstoune, in Menteith.


Inventary of the Writts and Evidents of the Six Merk Land of McCorranstoune lying in the parish of Kilmadock and Shire of Perth sold and disponed as principall with the lands of Ardvorlich lying within the parish of Comry and said Shire of Perth in Special Warrandice thereof by David Home Stewart of Argaty to the Right Honourable James, Earl of Moray, conform to a Disposition of the date of his Subscription to the Docquet hereto subjoined.

1. Charter under the Great Seall by King James the 5th in favours of Bartholomew Balfour of the six merk lands of McCorranstoune and others. Dated the 17th of June 1541.

2. Charter under the Great Seall by King James the 6th in favours of George Balfour of the said six merk lands of McCorranstoune and others. Dated the 13th of January 1604.

3. Principal Disposition by George Henryson of McCorranstoune with consent of his Curator David Muschet apparent heir of Boghall, of all & Haill the said six merk lands of McCorranstoune with the Mannor place, houses biggings, yeards, orchyards, parts, pendicles & pertinents thereof lying within the barony of Cessintully Stewartry of Monteith and Sheriffdome of Perth excepting that part and portion of the said lands called the Bogg of McCorranstoune and also these two acres of land of the said lands of McCorranstoune one thereof sometime occupied by umquhile John Michie and the other by umquhile Donald McNeill with the cottarys and houses thereto belonging then pertaining heritably to Nichol Muschet of Boighall Dated the 17th of June 1651. and ratified on the back by the said George Henryson after his majority the 27th of May 1656.

4. Charter a me thereon by the said George Henryson with consent of his curator to the said David Muschet of the said six merk lands of McCorranstoune excepting the foresaid Bogg and two acres of land thereof Dated the said 17th of June 1651.

5. Instrument of Sasine following thereupon in favours of the said David Muschet of the said six merk land of McCorranstoune Dated the 23rd of June 1651 and registrate at Stirling the 1st of July 1652.

6. Contract betwixt David Lord Cardross and the said David Muschet whereby his Lordship for the sum of £550 Scots paid to him by the said David Muschet sells and Dispones to the said David Muschet his heirs and assignies heritably and irredeemably all and haill the parsonage teind sheaves of the said David Muschet his lands of McCorranstoune to be holden of his Lordship superiors for payment of 18 shillings 4 pennies Scots as a part of the blench duty of the Lordship of Cardross and relieving his Lordship of nine shillings Scots payable to the Lords of Session yearly furth of the said Lordship and teinds thereof and of all stipends and augmentations stents taxations and repairs of the kirk of Kilmadock & kirkyeard dykes of the same. Dated the 8th & 23rd of October 7 November 1658.

7. Principal Disposition by the said David Muschet to James Stewart, younger of Ardvorlich, and Elizabeth Buchanan his spouse, and longest liver of them two in conjunct fee and their heirs male of the said six merk lands of McCorranstoune with mannor place houses and pertinents thereof, muirs, marshes & moss rooms in the Moss called Moss Flanders with liberty of casting peats therein and transporting of the same | excepting the forsaid Bogg & two acres of land | together with the parsonage Teinds of the said lands with the pertinents Dated the 9th of March 1683.

8. Charter thereon of the said lands by the said David Muschet to the said James Stewart 7 his said spouse dated the said 9th of March 1683.

9. Instrument of Sasine following thereupon in favours of the said James Stewart & Elizabeth Buchanan Dated the 12th of March & registered in the Generall register at Edinburgh the 28th of April both in the year 1683.

10. Renunciation by the said Elizabeth Buchanan of her liferent infeftment in the said lands of McCorranstoune in favours of Robert Stewart of Ardvorlich her eldest son, dated the 21st of December 1706 & recorded at Stirling the 13th of January 1707.

11. Charter of Confirmation and Novodamus under the Great Seall by Queen Anne of the said six merk land of McCorranstoune and teinds thereof excepting the foresaid Bogg and two acres of land thereof in favours of the said Robert Stewart of Ardvorlich to be holden feu for payment of £2. 8. Scots and a Chalder of oatmeal with 18 shillings & 4 d for the teinds to the Crown & 9 shillings Scots to the Lords of Session, Dated at the Palace of Kensington the 28th of April 1707.

12. Special Retour of the said Robert Stewart as heir to the said James Stewart his father, in the said lands of McCorranstoune & teinds thereof Dated the 10th of February 1708.

13. Precept Direct thereon form the Chancelllary for infefting the said Robert Stewart Dated the 22nd of April 1708 and Registered at Stirling the 12th of May 1708.

14. Instrument of Sasine following thereon in favours of the said Robert Stewart Dated the 22nd of April 1708 and registrate at Stirling the 12th of May 1708.

15. Principal Disposition by the said Robert Stewart to John Drummond only lawfull son of the deceast Mr. David Drummond Brother german to Coquhaillie & his heirs and failling them to Lillias, Mary, Grizel and Janet Drummonds his sisters, equally and their heirs or assignees of the said six merk land of McCorranstoune and teinds thereof | excepting the foresaid Bogg and two acres of land | and that as principall and of his lands of Ardvorlich with the manor place & pertinents lying within the parish of Comrie & shire of Perth in Special Warrandice and security of the said principal lands and which Disposition contains an assignation to the foresaid Charter of Novodamus and Precept of Sasine therein contained and is dated the 26th of August 1700

16. Generall Retour of the said Mary, Grizel & Janet Drummonds & Mungo Graeme son of the said Lilias Drummond as heirs portioners of provision to the said John Drummond by the foresaid Disposition of the said lands of McCorranstoune. Dated the 28th of January 1724.

17. Principal Disposition and assignation of the foresaid lands of McCorranstoune and teinds thereof as principal and lands of Ardvorlich in special warandice thereof by the said Mary, Grizell and Janet Drummonds and Patrick Graeme brother to James Graeme of Braco father & administrator in law to the said Mungo Graeme with consent of Alexnader Stewart, younger of Glenbuckie, husband to the said Janet Drummond to and in favours of George Home of Argaty containing an assignment to the foresaid charter of Novodamus precept of sasine therein contained and conveyance thereof by the said Robert Stewart to the said John Drummond and General Retour aforesaid which Disposition is dated the 6th of October 1724 and ratified by the said Mungo Graeme after his majority conform to his ratification thereto subjoined Dated the 24th of November 1739.

18. Instrument of Sasine of the said Lands in favours of the said George Home proceeding upon the Precept of Sasine in the forsaid Charter of Novodamus & Conveyances thereof aforesaid, under the hand of James Moir notar public. Dated the 30th of January and registrate at Stirling the 24th of March both in the year 1725.

19. Special Retour of Mary, Catherine & Jean Homes as heirs portioners to the said George Home their brother, in the said lands of McCorranstoune and teinds thereof. Dated 23th August 1751.

20. Precept Direct thereon from the Chancellary for infefting the said Mary, Catherine & Jean Homes in the said lands of McCorranstoune and teinds thereof Dated the 2nd of October 1751.

21. Instrument of Sasine thereupon in favours of the said mary, Catherine & Jean Homes of the said Lands under the hand of James Russell notar publick Dated the 14th and registrate at Stirling the 18th both of the month of October 1751.

22. Principal Disposition by the said Catherine & Jean Home with consent of William Govan of Bowhapple husband to the said Jean, of their two third parts of the said lands of McCorranstoune and Teinds thereof to and in favours of the said Mary Home their eldest sister. Dated the 18th of June 1751.

23. Instrument of Sasine following thereupon of the said two third parts of McCorranstoune in favours of the said Mary Home under the hand of James Russell notar publick Dated the 14th and registrate in the Generall Register at Edinburgh the 19th both of the month of October 1751.

24. Extract Disposition by the said Mary Home to the before named David Home Stewart of Argaty, her eldest son | therein designed David Stewart of Ballachallan | of the said whole lands of McCorranstoune and Teinds thereof as principal and the said lands of Ardvorlich in Special Warrandice thereof containing a procuratory of resignation & precept of Sasine Dated the 24th of July 1752.

25. Instrument of Resignation of the said lands of McCorranstoune and Teinds thereof and also of the lands and Barony of Argaty and others in favours of the said David Home Stewart Dated the 11th December 1752.

26. Charter under the Great Seall in favours of the said David Home Stewart of the said lands of McCorranstoune and teinds thereof and also of the said lands and barony of Argaty and others Dated the said 11th of December 1752.

27. Instrument of Sasine following thereupon in favours of the said David Home Stewart of the foresaid lands under the hand of James Russell notar publick Dated the 16th and Registrate in the General Register at Edinburgh the 22nd both of the month of February 1753.

The forgoing is the Inventory of the Writts and Evidents of the said six merk lands of McCorranstoune and Teinds thereof Lying within the parish & sheriffdome forsaid sold and disponed along with the formentioned warrandice lands of Ardvorlich by the said David Home Stewart to the said James Earl of Moray And to which the Disposition thereof of the date of his subscription hereto doth relate and all which Writts are delivered up by the said David Home Stewart to the said James Earl of Moray who hereby grants the receipt of the same excepting the three last articles being the Instrument of Resignation and Charter under the Great Seall and Instrument of Sasine thereon in favours of the said David Home Stewart who is to deliver to the Earl judicial transumpts of the same And hereby Binds himself to make the principal Instrument of Resignation, Charter and Sasine so transumed themselves furthcuming on all occasions when the transumpts shall be found sufficient. In witness whereof the forgoing inventary and this Docquet are written upon this and the seven preceeding pages by John Laing, Clerk to John Mackenzie of Delvin, Writer to the Signet, and Subscribed by the said parties At Donibristle the tenth day of July one thousand seven hundred and fifty four years Before these witnesses: Daniel McIntosh, servant to the said James, Earl of Moray, and James Maule, his Lordships factor, Inserter of the place, date, witnesses, names and designations.

David Hoome Steuart
James Maule witness.
Daniel Mcintosh witness.


Above: First page of the Inventory.



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