NRS NP1/56 – Protocol Book of Robert McRaith
Robert McRaith trained under Mr William Stewart and operated as a notary within the vicinity of Dunkeld from his admission in May 1596 up to at least October 1614, when he began to write up but did not complete the last entry in his protocol book. He was dead by 30 March 1620 when that book was “delivered to me be Thomas McNabe mess[enger]r in Dunkeld in name of Elspet Bennet, relict of umqull Rt Mcraith”.
Assuming this to have been his only protocol book, and also assuming he maintained entries in accordance with the requirements of that office, McRaith was not particularly active in that profession. 1606 was his busiest year, for which there are a mere nine entries, while others such as 1600, 1602, 1604 and 1613 each have a mere two entries. What now exists within the bound volume may not give a complete picture of his work as a later note on page one states that folios 61-66, 73-78, 103, 104, 16, 117, 122-129, 131 and 132 “are wanting” but that they “probably were blank”. Whether they were blank or contained further entries is a question which cannot now be answered, although it may be reasonable to conclude that they were discarded by the binder on account of being blank.
The abstracts which follow give a simple description of each entry and in many cases, beyond those few lines, little more of any real worth can be said. All entries are Instruments of Sasine which generally extend to 1 ¼ to 1 ½ pages however a small number extend to two-to-three pages on account of the inclusion of a full narration of precepts issued either by the crown or a superior. The general content, although unremarkable and of little immediate use to historians, is of particular interest to the genealogist.
1-2 At Edinburgh, 24 May 1596. Memorandum that Robert Makraith, servitor to Mr Walter Stewart, passed to the presence of Alexander, Lord Urquhart, President, and produced letters to the effect that “Robert Makraith, servitor to Mr Walter Stewart notar in Dunkeld, is abill qualifeit and learnit” in the requirements of the office of notary public and that he has been “instructit be the said Mr Walter Stewart in the said office thir diverse yeiris bygane”.
2-3 10 January 1596-7. Sasine to John Craigie, portioner of Caputh, for the sixth part of the lands of Caputh, as heir to his deceased father, William Craigie, portioner of Caputh.
3-4 4 July 1597. Sasine by David Millar in Dunkeld in favour of Margaret, daughter of Patrick Forbes, his future spouse, of the liferent of his tenement and lands in Dunkeld.
4-5 25 February 1597-8. Sasine in favour of Kirstaine Robertson, lawful daughter of John Robertson alias Tarlochson of Monzies, on grant to her by her future husband, John Dunlop in Cottoun of Rattray, of lands around Rattray, dated at Dunkeld 24 February 1597-8.
5-6 28 March 1598. Sasine in favour of Andrew Bray, portioner of Fordie, for part of the lands of Blackhills on resignation to him by John Robertson in Blackhills of Fordie dated 10 November 1596.
6-7 13 December 1598. Sasine in favour of John Wallace of a tenement and lands in Little Dunkeld as heir to his deceased father, David Wallace in Little Dunkeld.
7-8 21 December 1598. Sasine by Alexander Stewart of Wester Dalguise in implementation of a terms of a marriage contract entered into between his eldest son and heir, John Stewart, on the one part, and William Stewart of Kinnaird, on behalf of his daughter Isobella Stewart, on the other part dated at Kinnaird on 14 July 1597, he grants to them and the heirs gotten between them the lands generally called Ladyland.
8-9 21 December 1598. Sasine by John Stewart, fiar of Wester Dalguise, following on from the previous entry to his future wife, Isabella Stewart, of the liferent of the lands of Middle Dalguise.
9-10 23 December 1598. Sasine in favour of William Stewart of Kinnaird for the lands of Kinnaird on precept of clare constat to him by the superior, Sir John Wemyss of that Ilk, and as heir to the late Thomas Stewart of Kinnaird, his father.
10-12 24 December 1598. Sasine in favour of John Wallace.
12-14 4 January 1598-99. Sasine in favour of Mr Walter Stewart, schoolmaster in Dunkeld, for the lands of Balnakeilly and others under reversion, resigned to him by John Stewart, fiar of Balnekeilly, William and James Stewart and others.
14 10 January 1598-99. Sasine in favour of Mr Walter Stewart, schoolmaster in Dunkeld, of the lands of Ardgie upon resignation to him by George Cunison, apparent of Edradour.
14-16 4 February 1598-99. Sasine in favour of Mr Walter Stewart, schoolmaster in Dunkeld, on the lands of Lang Akeris.
16-17 24 February 1598-99. Sasine in favour of Christine Broun of the liferent of the lands of Kinnaird on grant to her by her husband, William Stewart of Kinnaird.
17-18 9 March 1598-99. Sasine in favour of John Ross of Macalhaugh [Meiklehaugh] of two acres of lands at Barland, subject to reversion, on resignation to him by William Fyffe, notary in Dunkeld, with consent of Christine Reid his wife.
18-19 20 November 1599. Sasine in favour of John Gylloch in Logierait having and holding an alienation by William Gyloch of Port, with consent of Katherine Balvard [?] his wife, Thomas Greig of Haugh of Fungorth, and David Duff of Fandui and others, for the half part of the lands of Port, in the barony of Dunkeld.
19-20 9 May 1600. Sasine on resignation by David Ruthven in Ochtergaven and Katherine Lyndsay, his wife, in favour of John McLean in Tolray of an annualrent of 10 merks Scots to be uplifted from the barony of Ochtergaven.
20-21 9 December 1600. Sasine by Laurence Bannerman of Cardneis for the singular love, favour and gratitude he bears towards his wife, Elizabeth Moncur, of the liferent of his lands of Middle Cardney, in the barony of Dunkeld. One witness is James bannerman, his son.
21-24 20 July 1601. Sasine in favour of William Fyffe, notary in Dunkeld, for the quarter-part of the lands Russill.
24-25 20 July 1601. Sasine in favour of David McCondoquhey and Agnes Duff, his wife, of the lands of Hillheid, on resignation to them by Robert Hay, son of the late William Hay of Gourdie, dated 4 July 1601.
25-27 31 August 1601. Sasine in favour of Malcolm Brugh, son of William Brugh in Auldtoun, on resignation to him by James Hering, prebendar of Methven, of a tenement lying on the south side of the town of Methven.
27-28 18 November 1601. Sasine in favour of John Gylloch of an annualrent of ten merks Scots from the lands of Dalguise, on resignation to him by Donald MacIldonycht.
28-29 17 March 1602. Sasine in favour of Mr. James Stewart, Commissary of Dunkeld, of an annualrent of 70 pence from the barony of Foulis on grant to him by John Stewart, son of the late John Stewart of Tulliepoweries, dated 1 May 1601, and reserving the liferent of his mother Margaret Carwood.
29-30 25 January 1602-03. Sasine in favour of Janet, daughter of the deceased John Fergusson in Inch of Logierait, with consent of her uncle, James Fergusson in Inch of Logierait, on grant by John Campbell alias Neilson, portioner of Easter Cultalony, and in implementation of a marriage contract between them dated at Dunkeld on 15 January previous, of the liferent of his lands of Easter Cultalony.
30-32 21 November 1604. Sasine in favour of Duncan Robertson of Dalcapon for the lands of Dalcapon on precept and Great Seal Charter from the King.
32-35 21 November 1604. Sasine in favour of Duncan Robertson of Dalcapon for the lands of Glengennet, Balnald and others as heir to his late father, Alexander Robertson, and his late grandfather, Patrick Robertson of Dalcapon, and Grizel Rattray, wife of the said Patrick.
36-37 10 October 1605. Sasine by James Bain, portioner of Wester Kincairny in favour of Janet Brydie, natural daughter of James Brydie in Snaigow, in implementation of a marriage contract between them dated at Dunkeld and Snaigow on 31 September and 8 October 1605, of a liferent of his lands of Kincairny.
38-39 16 April 1606. Sasine following royal letters in favour of John Gyloch in Logierait for the lands of Sock, in the barony of Dunkeld.
39-40 28 April 1606. Sasine in favour of Andrew Chalmer, Annabella Nicoll, his wife, and Egedia Chalmer, their daughter, for various rigs of lands lying within the barony of Dunkeld, resigned to them, under reversion, by James Salmond, portioner of Caputh.
40-42 5 May 1606. Sasine in favour of James Ross, natural son of John Ross of Meiklehaugh, in the lands of Meiklehaugh, in the barony of Dunkeld, on his father’s resignation of 5 May 1606, reserving a liferent to Griselda Glass, wife to the said John.
42-43 5 May 1606. Sasine in favour of Mr James Stewart, Commissar of Dunkeld, and Mr Walter Stewart of Blackhills for the lands of Craigvar and the half of Cuntulich, in the barony of Guay, on resignation to them by John Ross of Meiklehaugh on 5 May 1606.
43-45 24 June 1606. Sasine by which James Campbell, son and apparent heir to John Campbell of Edramuckie, appeared personally in the presence of the notary with an alienation granted on 26 June 1606, to him by his said father, with consent of Isobel Menzies, wife to the said father, and Janet Farquharson, future wife of the said James, of the lands of Edramuckie, Keanknock and others, to be held by James and Janet jointly and by the heirs between them.
45-47 21 July 1606. Sasine in favour of Alexander Robertson, saddler burgess of Perth, on resignation to him by Alexander Robertson, fiar of Tennandrie, son and heir apparent of John Robertson of Tennandrie, on 16 June 1606, of the half lands of Fanveik and Artullchan.
47-49 21 July 1606. Sasine in favour of Alexander Robertson, saddler burgess of Perth, on resignation to him by John Stewart of Tennandrie, Janet Stewart, his wife, and Alexander Stewart, their eldest son and heir apparent, of the lands of Achinailemore, dated 17 June 1606.
49-50 20 July 1606. Sasine in favour of John Robertson alias Keir on resignation to him by John Stewart of Achnahyll, with consent of his wife, Margaret Stewart, for the lands of Auchnahyll, at Moulin, on 18 June 1606.
50-51 23 October 1606. Sasine in favour of Alexander Johnstone alias Dow and Janet Haggart, his wife, of lands of Hill of Russill.
51-53 29 June 1607. Sasine in favour of James Marshall, merchant burgess of Perth, for the lands of Glendulrie.
53-54 29 June 1607. Sasine in favour of Donald Reid in Logierait for the lands of Inch of Logierait on precept and mandate by James, Earl of Atholl, and Maria, Countess of Atholl, dated 16 June 1607.
54-56 8 November 1607. Sasine in favour of John Robertson alias Tarlochson, younger of Monzies, of parts of the lands of Balnakeilly on resignation by James Stewart, eldest son and heir apparent of the late William Stewart of Balnakeilly, with consent of Jean Abercrombie, his wife, and John Stewart, their second lawful son, and Mr. Walter Stewart of Blackhills, for his interest, dated 10 and 14 October 1607.
56-57 9 December 1607. Sasine in favour of John Millar in Bogmilne and Katherine Buttar, his wife, for the half part of the lands of Bogmiln upon resignation to them by John Chalmer of Boig and Elizabeth Blair, his wife.
57-58 27 January 1608. Sasine in favour of James Gauld in Sherrifmuir and John Gauld, his son, for he lands of Mill of Bogmiln on resignation to them by John Chalmer of Boig and Elizabeth, his wife, dated 19 and 27 January 1608.
58-59 24 May 1608. Sasine by John Scott, portioner of Dowallie, to his future wife, Janet, daughter of Robert Clark in Balligrewie in Tulliemet, in implementation of a marriage contract between them dated at Mill of Dalcapon on 6 May 1608, and in her pure virginity, of a liferent of his shadow half of the town and lands of Dowallie.
59-61 29 May 1608. Sasine in favour of William Millar in Dunkeld of a tenement and lands in Dunkeld resigned to him by Thomas Lyndsay of Logie, son and heir of the late Thomas Lyndsay of Logie.
61-62 28 May 1608. Sasine in favour of David Mcinmeshelich and Alexander Dow Mcinmaler in Balnagrew for the quarter part lands of Levasbeg on resignation by Alexander Robertson of Inchmagranoch, with consent of Agnes Gordon, his wife.
62-63 7 April 1609. Sasine in favour of Mr. Walter Stewart of Blackhills for the lands and town of Kirkton of Blair in Atholl on resignation to him by James, Earl of Atholl, dated 8 March 1608.
63-64 29 October 1608. Sasine in favour of George Stewart, brother german of Sir James Stewart of Ballachin, for the lands of Ardormie on resignation to him by James, Earl of Atholl, on 14 October 1608.
64-66 Sasine 17 November 1608. Sasine in favour of William Glasochen in Dalpowie and Isobella Watterstone, his wife, that part of the lands of Dalpowie called Brokhills on resignation to them by Thomas Abercrombie of that Ilk dated 16 November 1608.
66-67 22 November[?] 1609. Sasine in favour of Mr Alexander Ireland, minister of Kinclaven, and Katherine Ireland, his daughter, of an annualrent of £4 Scots from the lands of Kinveid, granted to them by Patrick Rattray of Kinveid.
67-68 22 January 1610. Sasine in favour of James Menzies of Auchinsell for the lands of Dalrawer, in the barony of Menzies.
68-70 30 June 1610. Sasine in favour of John roy Duff in Dullater, in Strathbraan, for the lands of Innerequade on resignation of John Stewart of Granycht.
70 18 July 1610. Sasine in favour of William Bruce, son of William Bruce at the Mill of Auldclune for the lands of Easter Pitnacrie on resignation by John Reid of Pitnacree and Katherine Drummond, his wife.
70-72 20 August 1611. Sasine in favour of John Stewart, natural son of the deceased Alexander Stewart of Pittarrok, for the lands of Russill.
72-73 20 August 1611. Sasine in favour of Alexander Ireland of Burnbane and Marie Ireland, his daughter, of an annualrent from the lands of Craigie on resignation to them by Thomas Abercrombie of Craigie and Bessie Kinninmond, his wife, dated 19 July 1611.
73-75 2 November 1611. Sasine in favour of Thomas Abercrombie of that Ilk for 60 bolls of victual upon grant to him by Mr. James Stewart of Ladywell of the same date.
75-77 5 December 1611. Sasine in favour of Thomas Man in Dunkeld for lands at Fordieschaw on resignation by Robert Hay, portioner of Caputh, and Isobella Sym, his wife.
78-79 12 December 1611. Sasine in favour of John Craigie, merchant at Caputh, for quarter of the lands of Caputh on resignation of Robert Hay, portioner of Caputh, and Isabella Sym, his wife, made at Dunkeld on 9 December previous.
79-80 18 December 1611. Sasine in favour of John Stewart, apparent of Sheirglass, and Elizabeth Robertson, daughter of James Robertson of Killiechanzie, on marriage contract between them with consent of Neil Stewart in Sheirglass, his father, and Alexander Stewart, lawful son of the late John Stewart MacGilliechallum, dated at Moulin on 19 December 1611, for the lands of Auchmerkmor, Lettirfuill, Largarthomish and others.
80-81 18 December 1611. Sasine to which George Stewart, second son of Neil Stewart of Innerchadden, was bailllie, in favour of that said Neil for the lands of Auchmerkmore upon resignation of Alexander Robertson, burgess of Perth, and John Stewart of Auchnahyll, made by them the previous day.
82 3 January 1612. Sasine by William Bruce, lawful son of William Bruce at Mill of Auchclune, with consent of Isabella Reid, mother to William Bruce, junior, on marriage contract between himself on the one part at Katherine, daughter of John McAllaster in Bruceton [?] dated at Dunkeld on 20 December 1611 and 3 January 1612, of an annualrent to Katherine to be uplifted from the lands of Easter Pitnacrie.
83 17 April 1612. Sasine in favour of Donald MacCondoquhey, millar at Innervak, and Maria McYole, his wife, of the two merks lands of Duntegowine on resignation to them by Robert Stewart of Fincastle and Margaret Stewart, his wife.
84-85 17 April 1612. Sasine in favour Alexander Robertson of Tennandrie for the lands of Fanvill, Balrobbie, Ardtulchane and others, upon resignation of Alexander Stewart of Bonskeid made on 31 November 1611.
85-87 21 August 1612. Sasine in favour Mr. William Stewart, son of the late John Stewart of Tulliepowries, for an annualrent of 20 merks Scots on resignation by Hugh Stewart, merchant burgess in Perth, made on 7 April 1612.
87 13 June 1613. Sasine in favour of Isobella Sym, wife of Robert Hay, portioner of Caputh.
87-88 7 July 1613. Sasine in favour of Patrick McSteine alias MacIntaggart in Dalguise and Patrick McIntaggart, his son, for he lands for part of the lands of Dalguise on resignation to them by John Bynning, portioner of Dalguise, and Isabelle McIntaggart, his wife.
88-90 14 April 1614. Sasine in favour of James Crichton of Newbigging, brother to Sir John Crichton of Innernyte, for the lands of Edradour, Balnabroich, Thomboui, Balnaguilane and others.
91-92 9 July 1614. Sasine in favour of Mr John McLagane, minister at Logierait, for the lands of Balledmund, under reversion, on resignation by Finlay Fergusson of Balledmond dated the previous day.
92-93 13 August 1614. Sasine in favour of Alexander Robertson, apparent of Inchmagranoch, for the lands of Ballymend on resignation by Robert Robertson of Struan and Agnes McRannale, his wife, made at Blair Atholl on 9 August previous.
94-95 January 1612 [1614?] Sasine in favour of Janet Stewart, daughter of John Stewart of Granycht, and wife of Patrick Drummond of Meggar, of the lands of Easter Tullianis, Easter Meggar and others on resignation to her by the said Patrick at Dunblane, on 16 January 1612.
95-97 5 September 1614. Sasine in favour of John Robertson in Auchnahyll for the lands of Lettoch, on resignation to him by John Stewart of Pitfourie dated at Pitfourie on 25 July and 6 August 1614.
97-99 5 September 1614. Sasine in favour of John Robertson alias Keir in Auchnahyll for an annualrent of 40 merks Scots granted to him by John Stewart of Pitfourie on 6 August 1614.
99-100 12 August 1614. Sasine in favour of Alexander Robertson, son of Charles Robertson of Auchleeks, for the lands of Finhard, in the barony of Struan, on resignation by Robert Robertson of Struan on 10 August 1614.
100-101 13 October 1614. Sasine in favour of George Leslie of Urquhill for the lands of Urquhill as son and heir of the late Alexander Leslie….. incomplete.
101 End of Book.