Blair Atholl Archives, Parcel III Box 9, Sheirglass Writs.
1. Charter by Neil Stewart of Sheirglass to Elizabeth Robertson, his wife, in liferent and John Stewart, his son, in the fee of the lands of Sheirglass. Dtaed 13 December 1611.
2. Charter by William, Earl of Tulliebardine, to John Stewart of the lands of Sheirglass, dated 21 January 1613.
4. Contract of feu by John, Earl of Atholl, in favour of James Stewart, son of the lands Neil Stewart and oy [grandson] to the deceased John Stewart of Sheirglass, for the lands of Sheirglass, dated 13 November 1665.
5. Charter of resignation by John, Earl of Atholl, to James Stewart, grandson of the said John Stewart,m of the lands of Sheirglass, dated 15 November 1665.
9. Precept of Clare Constat by James, Duke of Atholl, in favour of Donald Stewart for infefting him in the lands of Sheirglass, dated 28 February 1706.
10. Precept of Clare Constat by James, Duke of Atholl, in favour of Neil Stewart as heir to his father Donald Stewart of Sheirglass, for his infeftment in the lands of Sheirglass, dated 7 June 1727.
13. Contract of marriage between Donald Stewart, eldest son of Neil Stewart of Sheirglass, on the one part, and Sophia, daughter of John Stewart, younger of Bonskeid, on the other part, dated 19 August 1756.
14. Disposition by Donald Stewart of Sheirglass to John Stewart, his eldest son, of the lands of Sheirglass, dated 21 December 1779.
18. Precept of clare constat by John, Duke of Atholl, in favour of Charles Stewart at Beuchill, third son of Donald Stewart of Sheirglass, for infefting him in the lands of Sheirglass as heir to his brother, John Stewart of Sheirglass, dated 21 December 1816.
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